French week at HEKA

La semaine française

At the end of May, we organised Heka Days 2024 with great success. Over 70 participants from our partner network across Europe attended the event. 15 different nationalities gathered to exchange knowledge, experiences and strengthen our collaboration. However, our French partners did not attend Heka Days 2024 as we had planned a special event for them.

To ensure that our French partners also had a unique experience, in mid-June we organised "La Semaine Française" - an entire week dedicated to our French distributor partners. With almost 40 participants from France, the week offered a number of exciting activities that strengthen both professional and cultural co-operation.

"La Semaine Française"
The week started with a series of meetings and lectures covering everything from marketing and sales strategies to product news and future collaboration opportunities. This gives our French partners the opportunity to gain insight into the latest developments and strategies at Heka.

Technical training

An important part of "La Semaine Française" was the technical training, where participants have the opportunity to dive deeper into our products. Our technical experts lead the courses and ensure that all participants gain the necessary knowledge and skills to install, use and promote Heka products effectively.

The viking experience

We also wanted to give our French friends a taste of Danish culture. One of the highlights of the week was a rowing trip on the Viking ships in Roskilde Fjord. This activity gave participants a unique experience of Danish history and culture while being physically challenged in an authentic Viking ship.

Collaboration and networking

The purpose of "La Semaine Française" was not only to share knowledge and skills, but also to strengthen relations between Heka and our French partners. By bringing people together from different backgrounds and perspectives, we hope to create a stronger, more cohesive network that can support our common goals and ambitions.

We have had an exciting and fruitful week with our French partners and are confident that "La Semaine Française" will be a recurring success, helping to strengthen our co-operation and partnerships in the future.

Vikings on Roskilde Fjord

Watch this 1-minute video to watch the boat trip in Roskilde

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